Hey man, you can also check out new album by Rudra - Antithesis it came out 14.01. pretty solid DM

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Just got done listening to Necrodeath’s ARIMORTIS. Not familiar with the band, but I liked it quite a bit! Great if you’re in the mood for Kreator-esque blackened thrash.

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Think I might’ve heard the first great metal album of 2025: Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, PÉRFIDA CONTRAÇÃO DO AÇO (https://filiinigrantiuminfernalium.bandcamp.com/album/p-rfida-contrac-o-do-a-o). I’m also quite fond of Plaguewielder, IN DUST & ASH and Desperate Days of Dying, BAD TIMES HAVE BEGUN.

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