Mar 5, 2023Liked by To The Teeth | New Heavy Music

Similar to previous comment, I also sort the playlist by date added, so listening to the most recent ones is not an issue. That said, I'd follow both the archieve and the recents playlists regardless!

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by To The Teeth | New Heavy Music

I usually am only focused on albums instead of singles, so I never visit the playlist, but thank you for separating them clearly in the write up! If spotify added album/single/ep grouping/filters to playlists, then I would probably use the playlist more.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by To The Teeth | New Heavy Music

Regarding playlist changes, you could make that adjustment, but that's already how I sort it (most recent at top, so regardless of when I'm listening, I'm catching up on the most recent tracks, but can always put on shuffle if I want recent + earlier in the year). It seems to me like it would just be extra work on your end. I would hope that if you do create a new playlist for recent vs all year, that the year long one maintains a chronological ordering, because, imo, you curate the flow and similarity of tracks from week to week really well.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by To The Teeth | New Heavy Music

Love this newsletter, but you should totally cover Elvenking too!

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I should! I did have their last single on the playlist, I'll add the new one too. Good call!

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