🌶️ To The Teeth: devastating Sun Worship
Plus: Invunche, Mitochondrion, Vola, Havok, Cryptic Brood, Chained (yadda yadda) Ocean, Biesy, Nachtmystium and much more!
Welcome to the To The Teeth newsletter! Your weekly update of new heavy music. You can listen to (most) everything in the playlist on Spotify. If you like what you read, go to Patreon (receive a patch!) & Bandcamp (buy a patch!). Peppers are hot 🌶️!
New Albums
🌶️ Sun Worship
Black, Germany (Vendetta Records)
FFO: Ultha, Ash Borer, Terzij de Horde
I vividly remember my first Roadburn in 2015, where you sometimes had to walk through the (then called) green room to get somewhere else. That’s how I accidentally walked in on a Sun Worship show. Just three guys (two nowadays) who looked like the financial department and sounded like my financial situation. Totally devastating, and I became a fan there and then. This new album is another blistering, ice cold (I get why they’re such fans of the sun) and hypnotic piece of black metal that’ll ruin some end of the year lists.
🌶️ Invunche
Black/punk, The Netherlands (Nuclear War Now!)
FFO: Volahn, Ifernach, Bown Awl
Ritualistic black metal, back with a full length after six years. Invunche’s music carries a punk spirit, seamlessly blending that energy with echoes of ancient civilizations.
🌶️ Mitochondrion
Death/black, Canada (Profound Lore Records)
FFO: Ulcerate, Portal, Antediluvian
I’m not sure if this really should’ve been a 1,5 hour album, but maybe that’s part of the sonic torture these Canadians inflict. A lot to unpack here, if you dare.
There’s more: Vola (prog, Denmark), Chained To The Bottom of the Ocean (sludge/doom, USA), an ep from Havok (thrash, USA), Biesy (🌶️ experimental black/death, Poland), Paganizer (death, Sweden), Nachtmystium (psych black, USA), Cryptic Brood (🌶️ death/doom, Germany), Neon Nightmare (type o/negative, USA), Psychonaut 4 (dsbm, Georgia), Thyrathen (black, Greece - w/ members of Varathron & Macabre Omen), Slower (🌶️ slayer/not fast), Tribulation (gothic, Sweden) and a fourway split from Ascendency, Chaotian, Septage & Sequestrum (death, Denmark). The rest is in the playlist!
Seven new songs
🌶️ Kruelty (death/hardcore, Japan)
🌶️ Aara (atmoblack, Switzerland)
🌶️ Estuarine (experimental tech death/grind, Sweden)
🌶️ The Answer Lies in the Black Void (atmospheric doom, The Netherlands/Hungary)
🌶️ Mefitis (death/black, USA)
🌶️ Pestilent Hex (melodic/symphonic black, Finland)
🌶️ Spiter (black/punk, USA)
The rest is in the playlist!
Not-so-heavy & next week
Not-so-heavy album of the week: Charlot (electropop, The Netherlands)
I’m looking forward to next week because of: Paysage d’Hiver, Moss Upon the Skull, Solstafir, 200 Stab Wounds & Chaos Invocation.
What is your favourite? What did I miss? Let me know!
The Mitochondrion album description on Bandcamp says specifically that “This double album is overloaded and unbearable” so fair play to them.
For any fans of Transcending Obscurity’s bands, the label has made all their albums $1 on Bandcamp so now’s a great time to go nuts. Preordered the new Veilburner and Misanthropy albums.
I was *so* sure that Kruelty absolutely had to be a Dutch / German / US deathmetal act. They sound so classic oldschool deathmetal. Oh, how we, the western world, dominate this domain!
And then I found out about their origins. Repent! Repent!